Saturday, October 29, 2016

Have we lost trust in TRUST?

I have often wondered, has the world really progressed? To most of us, this question has an obvious answer and that’s a yes. Up until now, I also used to think the same but most recently I came across an incident which made me realize that progress has multiple dimensions. Which aspect of the progress are we talking about is an important question as well. While on the front of technology, science we have definitely progressed but in these scheme of things I think we have missed out a progress on developing human trust. Its almost like when a stranger says something, the 1st response internally is most likely – no way, can’t be that, don’t believe you or some form of it. Most of our response has a negative tone to it although it could be expressed as a dis-belief or surprise or amazement. I think we need to differentiate between the core feeling and how we express it. Most people, I have seen, get confused between the two.

Anyway, it’s a pity that despite such long history of our existence, we have not been able to trust each other. Every time there is a financial transaction, we ask for receipts, contracts and what not. Documents like passport become your identity whereas the human him/herself becomes evidence. An alive man is not a proof of him being alive - thats ridiculous and scary. 

I acknowledge that any action human takes is on the basis of certain past learnings but then instead of investing so much time and money in developing in materialistic fields, why cant we spend 10% of that time and money on developing human trust for each other.

I don’t have an answer to how can we make it happen but a fact that if one can fall in love with another person still exists in our society, why cant the same feeling be expanded to humans in general? When you fall in love and ultimately marry the other person, it’s a leap of faith you take in a way that assures you within, that everything will be alright and in most cases it is. Then why cant we take the same leap of faith in trusting other humans?

To me, trust is a positive thing and believe me, world needs a lot of positivity now more than ever before. Just examine your personal life and see how trust plays a role in making things easier, simpler and stronger for you. Life is so much fun at home and you don’t need to worry about a lot of things because there is a trust in the people around you. We just need to get this same feeling out there and develop that trust.

Naturally, the other side of this coin is being able to elicit that trust from others. The answer to that is removing self-biased intentions which are subjective and be more objective in our interactions with others. Most of the time the objective is same but ways are different. As we get hung up on our idea, we fail to see the others’ idea and its merits. Collaboration and synergy only become words without actual behaviours behind them. I don’t understand the desperate need to prove ourselves right and if 2 ideas show equal merit, then there can be a way to choose which one to proceed with without having to fight over it. The whole point is once we give a pure thought and put pure efforts behind something, we should stop worrying about its existence in future. There is something called Destiny and if things are done with pure intentions, they take care of themselves. You become a channel of its existence from its creator. You support the idea and not the other way around. I think once we accept this role change of ours from creator to a channel, things like ego, fear of losing reputation will eventually die down and make you a more humble person and a more helpful person. And I believe humility, helpfulness will be able to elicit that trust from others.

The question remains: are you able to trust me and show willingness to accept that this is the need of this hour? Or will you go back to what you’ve been doing in the belief that one alone can’t make a change?  All big changes begin from one person, one moment and with one leap of faith. Are you brave enough to take that one leap of faith? The answer lies within you. If not others, Trust yourself...

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